Gear & Sportswear

Things you don’t need

First, you don’t need any sports shoes for Muay Thai training at the Ringside Gym©. In contrast to traditional boxing, Muay Thai is practiced entirely barefoot. Modern alternatives, such as five-finger or yoga shoes, are also not necessary. We train on unique, high-density foam mats explicitly designed for sports without shoes. Oh, and you don’t need to worry about cold feet because we always ensure pleasant temperatures in our training rooms.

Ideally, you should train without old, borrowed, or possibly already used equipment from friends or acquaintances. Apart from the hygiene aspect, your equipment should be your personal protective gear. However, many of the items presented here depend on your height, weight, and current level of experience. You may need a different boxing glove size or hand wrap length than someone else. All your protective equipment is also subject to exceptionally high wear and tear due to the highly intensive Thai boxing training. You should regularly check your gear and replace worn equipment with new equipment.

Nevertheless, as a beginner, you are not forced to plunder your entire bank account before taking your first step into our training areas. At Ringside Gym©, beginners can borrow essential protective equipment, such as boxing gloves, for a trial training session. However, we recommend that you gradually put together your own protective equipment as soon as you decide to start training regularly.


Do you still have questions about the care or handling of your training gear? Then don’t hesitate to let us know. We are always happy to receive feedback and requests for improving the training or the general process.

See you at the gym!
Your Ringside Gym© Team.


Gear & Sportswear

Things you don’t need

First, you don’t need any sports shoes for Muay Thai training at the Ringside Gym©. In contrast to traditional boxing, Muay Thai is practiced entirely barefoot. Modern alternatives, such as five-finger or yoga shoes, are also not necessary. We train on unique, high-density foam mats explicitly designed for sports without shoes. Oh, and you don’t need to worry about cold feet because we always ensure pleasant temperatures in our training rooms.

Ideally, you should train without old, borrowed, or possibly already used equipment from friends or acquaintances. Apart from the hygiene aspect, your equipment should be your personal protective gear. However, many of the items presented here depend on your height, weight, and current level of experience. You may need a different boxing glove size or hand wrap length than someone else. All your protective equipment is also subject to exceptionally high wear and tear due to the highly intensive Thai boxing training. You should regularly check your gear and replace worn equipment with new equipment.

Nevertheless, as a beginner, you are not forced to plunder your entire bank account before taking your first step into our training areas. At Ringside Gym©, beginners can borrow essential protective equipment, such as boxing gloves, for a trial training session. However, we recommend that you gradually put together your own protective equipment as soon as you decide to start training regularly.


Do you still have questions about the care or handling of your training gear? Then don’t hesitate to let us know. We are always happy to receive feedback and requests for improving the training or the general process.

See you at the gym!
Your Ringside Gym© Team.


Montag – Freitag
09.30 – 11.30 Uhr
16.30 – 22.00 Uhr

10.00 – 14.00 Uhr

Wir öffnen immer 15 Minuten vor dem ersten Kursbeginn.